Image from Ec.europa.eu…. “What is Horizon 2020?”
This call from Horizon 2020 seems to be targeting us!
TOPIC : Science education outside the classroom
Deadline: 30 August 2017
Read the entire call here. Just sharing the section “expected impact” below:
In the short term, the proposed action will identify good practices in terms of science education outside the classroom and consider the impact this information has on formal and informal science education for students and citizens. In the medium term, the results of the present action will help the EU to better understand the effects of science education outside the regular education institutions and will increase the range of innovative products in science education that reflect societal needs. In the long term the results of the research should contribute to considerations on accrediting the available information.
After three H2020 application in the field of STEM (still waiting for the evaluation of the last one!) we have some partners, however this call expects a consortia that includes “at least entities from 10 different Member States or Associated Countries”. Feel free to contact us if you think that you could contribute to this call.